Domain Names

Ted Cruz, Republican Senator from Texas, announced on Twitter that he is beginning his bid to be President of the United States.

Whether you are a supporter or not, Mr. Cruz has one thing working against him….he does not own the domain

What is a domain?

Why buy a domain name? To protect your identity…see another example (who owns these).

You can check who owns a domain using whois or this whois. This will tell you who owns the website and help identify if the site is relevant or not.

Use the whois tool to identify the following owners of these domains:

  • your weebly domain name:
  • choose two other domains that you are familiar with

You can purchase a domain. What domain name should I purchase and what extension should I use (.com, .org, .us).

You need to use a domain registrar. Some of these are godaddy or network solutions. Use these tools and come up with two domain names that are available, one needs to include your name (or brand). Need inspiration (or help) with a new name? Click here




Apple Event – Spring Ahead

Yesterday, Apple held an event to announce some new products and further define some previously announced but not yet released products.

Some of the items announced include:

Choose one of the products listed above and explain how you think this product will impact you or the future of technology, OR explain how you think this product is destined for failure (like Google Glass). Read the linked articles or find one of your own that help to support your opinion. Be sure to include the links in your weebly blog post to further support your opinion.


creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by IntelFreePress:


New Cyberbully law requires students to give administrator their passwords

Read this article:

and this article:

Vote in the poll on the right of this page —->

On your weebly blog page, write a rebuttal to this article or write why you agree that this is a good law.

Warm Up with Cold Day Extra Credit

CES 2015 is underway where all the new tech products for the year will be introduced!


Mr. B Selfie – in case you missed my smiling face

According to the CES About Page, The International CES is the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. Held in Las Vegas every year, it has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for more than 40 years—the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace.
The International Consumer Electronics Show (International CES) showcases more than 3,600 exhibitors, including manufacturers, developers and suppliers of consumer technology hardware, content, technology delivery systems and more; a conference program with 250 sessions; and 150,000 to 160,000 attendees from more than 140 countries.

Since you now have Cabin Fever, how about earning a little extra credit for Computer Class? All you have to do is read 1 online computer/technology article that is in the news in the last wee (CES 2015 products would be a great start!). Post the link to your weekly blog and a little summary so I know you actually read the article. Post the link to your blog page in the comments section below!

If your brain is frozen, you can use one of the links/sites below for some interesting stories:
Finally, Geek trivia for today: The iPad was announced by Apple on this date…guess what year (or how many years ago it was)!
Still bored? Give the new state PARCC test a try:
Have a great day!