If you need extra time and cannot get into a lab with Office 2010, sign up for a Microsoft Live account.
Go to www.onedrive.live.com . At the bottom of the page, click on the Sign Up button. You can either sign up for a new e-mail or click on the “use my own e-mail” link and you can use your gmail or other personal e-mail. If you have a hotmail e-mail address or x-box live account, all you need to do is log in. You will have 15 GB of free “cloud” disk space.
Once logged in, go to OneDrive menu at the top of the page. Once there, you can upload your files from My Documents and open and edit them with the browser. This is not a full featured version of Office 2010 but it is very similar. You can also download a 60 day evaluation copy of Office 2010.
For extra credit, share one of the Projects with: jbohnsac (at) molineschools (dot) org
We will be comparing this to Google Drive later (if we have time).