flickr photo by c_ambler https://flickr.com/photos/chazoid/2720104786 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
Your in the right spot! The top jobs in the United States all revolve around technology according to this USA Today article.
According to the article ” These days, almost every company is in some way a tech company, requiring workers who are able to create and maintain a firm’s technological infrastructure.”
- Read the article above.
- Click on the link about the 50 best jobs.
- Select two different jobs on the list and explore the available jobs, including description and experience (education, etc.)
- Of the two, choose one and write a blog post, including a brief general description of the job (use google), a more detailed decription of the job listed, salary range for the job, and what experiences are necessary (education, job experience, etc.)
- Be sure to publish your blog post.