Help stop SOPA and PIPA now!!

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

SOPA and PIPA will be voted on in Congress (House and Senate) on January 24th, 2012. This Bill could potentially change the way citizens in the United States view the internet. This bill could punish owners of many social media sites if their users violate copy write laws causing great financial penalties that could result in those sites being blocked or removed.

If you think the school web filter (websense) is bad, this would be filtering at the national level.

Click here to help stop these bills.

Thank you

to two programmers that came to speak to the Programming 1 class this semester.

Tom Stewart (John Deere) spoke to the class in October and Dana Doggett (Developer of Lan School) spoke to the students in November.

Dana Doggett developer of Lan School

Tom Stewart, programmer at John Deere