This is your home for all of Mr. Bohnsack Computer Classes!
What is Digital Citizenship?
5 rules for social media

License Some rights reserved by Mister Norris
The NEW iPad…
is availble starting today!
I have posted a link to a list of iPad alternatives below:

flickr image from bangdoll@flickr
What do you think? Would you buy the new iPad or would you rather have one of the alternatives mentioned in the article? Vote on the poll on the right or add a comment.
For Computer Concepts 2 assignment-if you didn’t get the notes, or don’t understand the assignment, watch the 2 minute video below:
Extra Credit!!

Smile It's a double yolk! Flickr Image by Caro's Lines'
Find a EDUCATIONAL GAME that will help you with a current class and a current academic area that you are studying. Only put your last initial in the form because I plan to post the games online later. This is extra credit and should be done outside of class. Any form submitted with a timestamp during class will not be given extra credit!!
Once you find the game, complete this form:
The list of games submitted so far can be seen on this Google Docs Spreadsheet:
All extra credit is due Friday, March 9 at the end of your class period.
Apple Stock breaks $500
It is now the richest company in the world.
Read this article to see what happens to $400 billion of Apples wealth.