Job Interview Questions

Work with a partner, visit the padlet wall. One partner will answer the question, the other will post the answer while showing all work.

This leads us to bizarre interview questions. Read this article and this article/slide show. Pick a question (don’t cheat and google the answer) and write a blog post about the question and try and determine the answer. Blog about your thought process and what some of the important facts that you will have to have knowledge of in order to answer the question. Do your best to answer the question…show your work or process in answering.

Now, search Google and see if you can find the correct answer(s). Many of these have multiple answers (or no correct answer). Select the answer that you would most agree with and continue with your blog. Blog about how you concluded this is the best answer. Be specific, what facts helped you deduct your answer.

This blog post should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs (with 4-5 sentences each). Show depth in your post and link back to the answers (put the link where you got your solution in your blog). When you are finished with your blog post, go to the padlet wall and post your answer / check your work with others.


cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo by danieljohnsonjr:


What would you do…

Watch the video and post on your blog reactions to the following questions:

  • If money was not a factor in your career choice, what job/career would you choose? Be as specific as you can (and be the best at it).
  • How does this compare to the career survey you completed last week? Are there similarities? Differences?

What Career is right for me?

Visit this site and take the short career survey:

On your weebly blog, post answers to the following questions:

  1. What is your top careers that were recommended?
  2. Do you agree with the suggestions?
  3. Click on a couple of the choices that you were given.
  4. Read about them and list your top choice.
  5. What was the salary for the job?
  6. What were the requirements (college, high school, etc.)?

cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo by Chris Devers:


Apple Watch?

apple watch

cc licensed ( BY ND ) flickr photo by craftapalooza:

Read this article about the possibility of an Apple Watch.

Open Weebly and add a new blog post.  

  1. Is this hardware or software?
  2. Would you want an Apple Watch?
  3. Why or Why not?
  4. What would make this better?