Time for the news…

LicenseAttributionNoncommercialShare Alike Some rights reserved by @Doug88888

Today we will be watching a couple of videos. They are new products and rumors, reviews and a tour of Google’s physics lab.

Once we finish the videos, find your own technology news, product review or future technology video.

A good start would be cnettv.cnet.com, the verge, all things d or techcrunch.

Post the video to your blog page with a little information about it. View another person in your class (3 students down)  weebly page and watch their video and comment!

Are games educational?

Read this article

Read the Readers Picks on the forums. Try and find a couple of posts that agree and a couple that disagree.

In your weebly blog, answer the following questions:

  • Can video games be educational? Why/Why Not? Give your opinion and find a link to a resource that can back it up with facts. Give statistics to back up your argument. Some examples are herehere and here.
  • Do you think Minecraft is an education game? Why/Why Not? -If yes, what subject would it be good for?
  • Can you list another game that would be good for education?

LicenseAttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by TooMuchDew


Are we consumed with our Digital Life?

digital consumption

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by DG Jones: http://flickr.com/photos/dgjones/3125993197/


Read this article: http://news.msn.com/science-technology/are-we-being-overwhelmed-by-our-digital-communications

Do a weebly blog post: Do you agree or disagree with the statement:

  1.  I am consumed with digital communication? Be sure to support your opinions with reasons! Provide a solid conclusion. .
  2. Justify your answer. Claim your position, add evidence and facts.
  3. What can you do to keep from being overwhelmed?
  4. Go to the weebly list on the left. Pick the student whose name is above yours and below yours. Comment on their blog post. Be sure to give factual examples!

Happy Birthday Macintosh!

mac 1984

LicenseAttribution Some rights reserved by Marcin Wichary

30 years ago today, the Macintosh was first introduced. It changed computers forever with the GUI and mouse along with stunning grey-scale graphics.

Th Apple webpage has a nice tribute celebrating Macintosh turning 30. Watch this video and then explore the history of this  breakthrough computer!

Then watch this video and see how Apple technology has evolved.