Office Basics-
- Check Box
- Default
- Drop-down
- Excel
- Extension
- File
- Insertion Point
- Interface
- Mouse Pointer
- Overwrite
- Ribbon
- Status Bar
- Text Box
Using a Word Processor:
- Alignment
- Clipboard
- Edit
- Font
- Font Emphasis (Bold, Italic, Underline, etc.)
- Format
- Formatting Marks
- I-beam
- Insertion Point
- Justified
- Quick access Toolbar
- Ribbon
- Subscript
- Superscript
- Word Wrap
Formatting Documents
- Bulleted List (this list has bullets-items in no particular order)
- Footer-text that appears at the bottom of each page in a document.
- Hanging Indent
- Header-text that appears at the top of each page in a document.
- Indent
- Pagination
- Tab