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Chapter 1 Microsoft Office Basics
**For some of the assignments in the text, you will need student data files, you can find them here: A Guide To Microsoft Office 2010 Data Files
Custom Guide pdf-Microsoft Office 2010
- Pages 1-3 – Practice 1
- Pages 4-7 – Practice 2
- Pages 8-10 – Practice 3
- Pages 12-13 -Citation note: use this webpage, not the one in the book:
- Pages 23-25 – Practice Help
- Page 31- Project 1 Computer Environment (Do Not Print)
- Page 31 – Project 2 Passwords (Do Not Print)
my_sentence Directions: Read this Grammar Gang blog entry, watch this 2 minute video, write your sentence.
Be sure to look at the Creative Commons page. Also, take a screen snap and save it, then put the picture on your Weebly page. Click here if you can’t remember how to do that:
Why is our school paper called the Line O Type ? And why is it misspelled?
Why did Microsoft change the default font from a serif font (Times New Roman) to a sans serif font (Calibri) with Word 2007?
Make your own font here.
Print vs. Web fonts what is the difference?
Pages 35-38 Practice Request
For Orientation, you will need a file. Click here to add the Concepts folder to your Drive.
Pages 41-43 Practice Orientation Part 1
Pages 44-47 Practice Orientation Part 2
Pages 50-52 Practice Orientation Part 3
Pages 55-56 Practice Benefit (skip part 2 and 3)
Psychology of a Font – where to use different fonts (good infographics)
- Fonts (serif vs. sans serif vs. decorative)
- Size (points, 72=about 1 inch)
- Style (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript)
Introducing the Word Processor Lesson 1 2003 (use this to complete Word Screen-cc)
Things you need to know Lesson 2 (use this to complete –Word-Lesson 2 Questions)
Word Cheat Sheet (pdf download)
- Parts of Word Screen
- New document
- Show/Hide Formatting Marks
- Save
- Save As
- Open
- Print (Landscape vs. Portrait)
- Print Layout (view)
- Normal (view)
- Spell Check
- Thesaurus/ Synonyms
- Help
- Cut/Copy/Paste (Clipboard)
- Find/Replace
Formatting Documents – Selecting blocks of text (single click, double click, triple click)
- Fonts (serif vs. sans serif vs. decorative)
- Size (points, 72=about 1 inch)
- Style (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript)
- Alignment (left, right, centered, justified)
- Line spacing (single space, double space)
- Tabs (left, right, center, decimal, leaders)
- Indents (hanging indent)
- Bullets/Number
Lesson 3-Basic Features
Lesson 5 -Working with Paragraphs
Lesson 6-Tabs, bullets, numbering, undo, redo
Document/Page Formats
- Margins
- Headers & Footers (page numbers, file name, etc.)
- Page breaks
Word Art
Word Notes 2.0/Quiz click here-> word_quiz2.1 (save but don’t print)
Word Tutorials:
Word Tutorials 2:
Print vs. Web by Robin Williams
This is still the worlds best website ever thought your no longer my teacher