Instructions for installing Ubuntu:
- Connect all peripherals to the mac mini Restart the mini, hold down the ‘C’ key and put in the install CD.
- A black Ubuntu screen should come up asking what you would like to do.
- Choose English
- Choose install (2nd option) and follow the instructions.
- Central time zone
- For keyboard-choose your own, select USA-Macintosh-Forward
- This Next Step is very important!!!!!!
- Prepare disk space:
- Select erase and use entire disk
- Forward
- Use the user name: maroonsxx (where xx is a number) and password: maroonsxx
- Follow the rest of the online instructions.
- Once the install is complete, I will need to connect your machine to the wireless access point.
- Complete all updates. System-Administration-Update manager.
- Test all apps, especially Firefox. Make sure it has all necessary plugins to show everything for
- Use the Ubuntu Software Center (under Applications) and install a couple of software packages.
- Install Libre Office
- Install a printer.
- Go to System-Admin-Printing
- New
- Network Printer-LPD/LPR Host or printer
- Use the ip address:
- Forward
- Choose the driver: HP
- Forward
- Laserjet 4000 (choose the top-recommended option)
- Installable options-just click Forward (we have no options)
- Change the Location to B321 click Apply
- You should have the option to print a test page-Yes if you want one, No if you don’t
- Write a short document in Libre Office, include Clip Art or a picture.
- Remember to DOCUMENT everything in Google Docs!! Include your name and your partners name, share the doc with
- Include the following: Version of Ubuntu, Software Packages that were installed.
- Compare Libre Office to Google Docs and Microsoft Office. Do you think this is as good as either? Why/Why Not. Advantages/Disadvantages.