Things that happen on the Internet every 60 seconds

Infographic by-  Shanghai Web DesignersDid You Know That – In 60 SECONDS Search engine Google serves more that 694,445 queries 6,600+ pictures are uploaded on Flickr 600 videos are uploaded on YouTube videos, amounting to 25+ hours of content 695,000 status updates, 79,364 wall posts and 510,040 comments are published on Social Networking site Facebook …

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If you are in the class of 2012…

You were born before many of these things were around (like the internet): Video games have always had ratings. Dial-up is soooooooooo last century! Their older siblings have told them about the days when Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera were Mouseketeers. Faux Christmas trees have always outsold real ones. “Yadda, yadda, yadda” has …

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