What is bandwidth vs. data allowance

Use the data calculators below to calculate the amount of data you use in a month: http://www.att.com/att/datacalculator/ http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/splash/datacalculatorPopup.jsp Post your results on your weebly blog and comment whether you think this is a lot or not much (defend your answer).

3D Printing is here

Read this article or watch the 3 videos: http://news.msn.com/science-technology/3-d-printing-store-you-dream-it-take-it-home Open your weebly page and answer 2 of the following questions: If you could make a model of something and print it in 3D, what would it be? Do you think 3D printing will be as common as regular printing in the future? Other than what …

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